The media industry in Rwanda has witnessed significant transformations in recent years, reflecting the changing landscape of journalism in the digital era. Against this backdrop, it is crucial for media organizations to adopt effective strategic direction setting practices to remain competitive and fulfil their societal roles. The aim of this research is to investigate how setting strategic direction affect organizational performance in Rwanda. This study was guided by Managerial Leadership Theory. The research used a descriptive research design and target a population of 128 employees from Igihe Limited. This research employs a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. Interviews and surveys are conducted with key stakeholders within IGIHE Limited, including senior management, journalists, and other employees, to gain insights into the organization's strategic practices. Census approach was adopted by the study. Data was collected using semi-structured questionnaires and analysed quantitatively with the help of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 25 tool. Descriptive analysis was performed using mean and standard deviation, while regression analysis was determined by model summary, ANOVA, and regression coefficients. Correlation analysis also carried out to determine the nature of the relationship between the variables. In the assessment of strategic direction setting at Igihe Rwanda Limited, it is evident that the management has set feasible organizational goals with a high level of agreement among respondents (Mean=4.56, Std Dev=0.539). Furthermore, the leadership prioritizes fundamental principles in the execution of strategic plans, also garnering substantial support (Mean=4.44, Std Dev=0.707). The periodic examination of the mission statement is a well-accepted practice among employees (Mean=4.60, Std Dev=0.656), as is the alignment of each department with the company's moral mission (Mean=4.51, Std Dev=0.738). The leadership's role in determining a mission that facilitates objective achievement receives strong endorsement (Mean=4.51, Std Dev=0.542), and the generation of new ideas in alignment with the company's vision and objectives is well-supported (Mean=4.49, Std Dev=0.580). These results reflect a positive outlook on the strategic direction and values within Igihe Rwanda Limited. Effective strategic direction setting practices significantly impact the organizational performance of IGIHE Limited and other media organizations in Rwanda, highlighting the importance of well-defined strategies in achieving success in the industry. The study recommends conducting a comprehensive study on the strategic direction-setting practices of IGIHE Limited to enhance the organizational performance of media organizations in Rwanda.
Keywords: Media organizations, Strategic direction setting, Organizational performance, IGIHE Limited, Rwanda, Media industry
CITATION: Umuhire, C. A., & Irechukwu, U. N. (2023). Strategic direction setting practices and organizational performance of media organizations in Rwanda. A case of Igihe Limited. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (4), 728 – 741.
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