Public agencies are faced with challenges that force them to adjust or change from their normal way of doing things. This study sought to investigate the relationship between management information systems adoption and performance of public agencies in Mombasa County, Kenya. The independent variables were information infrastructure, Information flexibility, Information security and Information storage while the dependent variable was performance of public agencies in Mombasa County. The study employed descriptive research design. The target population was 535 ICT specialists from 79 public agencies in Mombasa County. A stratified sampling technique was utilized. In this study primary data was gathered using research questionnaire. The data collected was both quantitative and qualitative and it was analyzed by both descriptive and inferential analysis. The descriptive statistical tools. The researcher conducted inferential analyses including correlation and multiple regression analyses. The study found that internet connectivity and IS software are the key aspects of information Infrastructure which affect the performance of public agencies in Mombasa to great extents. Information Flexibility contributes more to the increase of performance of public agencies followed by information Infrastructure, then information Storage while information Security contributes the least to the performance of public agencies. The study concluded that utilization of information infrastructure, information flexibility, information security, and information storage have great impacts on the performance of public agencies in Mombasa County. There is need to enhance the MIS infrastructure to ensure that it caters for its purpose in the organizations. The public agencies ought to put special consideration on information flexibility within the agencies. Public agencies need to invest in secure information systems that can assure staff privacy and protection. There is need for improvement in information storage through data protection, data backup, and data accessibility. This will also increase operation, enable information to be easily transmitted, enhance team performance, coordination and communication and data protection improves information quality and hence expanded organizational responsiveness.
Keywords: System Infrastructure, System Flexibility, Information Security, Data Storage, Agency Performance
CITATION: Mkongoh, R. M., & Kyalo, J. (2023). Adoption of management information systems and performance of public agencies in Mombasa County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (4), 811 – 828.
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