This study ascertained how the success of water delivery projects in Kenya's Garissa County is affected by stakeholder involvement. The study employed a cross-sectional and descriptive research design. The study targeted 47 water projects in Garissa County that were put into place between 2013 and 2021 was the study's target population. The researcher collected data from 47 project managers. The research used a census approach because the quantity of respondents was minimal and controllable. Both descriptive and inferential statistics was used to analyze the data. The study took both qualitative and quantitative data into account. Tables and figures were used to display the data that was created. The researcher deduced that the respondents participated in project initiation to a moderate extent. It was also established that the respondents participated in project planning to a moderate extent. Additionally, it was deduced that the respondents participated in project implementation to a great extent. The study concluded that there was a significant strong positive correlation between project initiation project planning, project implementation and performance of water projects. However, the researcher inferred that there was insignificant effect of changes of monitoring and evaluation on performance of water projects. The government and other development agencies need to enhance stakeholder participation in project initiation; this would result into more sustainable water projects in Garissa County, Kenya. The government and development agencies need to strengthen stakeholder participation project planning, as this would enhance project ownership and result into more water projects in Garissa County, Kenya. The government and development partners should further adopt mechanism that for greater stakeholder engagement in project implementation, this would better outcomes in terms of sustainability of water projects in Garissa County, Kenya. The government and other development partners need to encourage stakeholders in monitoring and evaluation processes for the water projects. This would help them to identify gaps and challenges as well as the extent to which the project is impacting on their lives, this will enhance the sustainability of such projects.
Key Words: Project Initiation, Monitoring and Evaluation, Stakeholder Participation, Project Implementation
CITATION: Galgallo, A., & Ngugi, L. (2023). Stakeholder involvement and performance of government water supply projects in Garissa County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (4), 1191 – 1207.
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