Project's performance is severely harmed by the delays. The road projects have been delayed for a number of reasons, including insufficient access to cash, management abilities, organizational culture, and technical expertise. However, the case is different in Machakos County where road construction projects have been successfully implemented without encountering huge challenges. This study's goal was to assess key success criteria that affect how well road projects work in Kenya's Machakos County. The main objectives of this study were to assess how road projects in Machakos County were carried out in relation to the procurement process, project planning, stakeholder involvement, and constructor capability. The study relied on urgency theory, constraint theory, and institutional theory. These hypotheses were similar to the objective of the study, which determined how procurement procedure influenced the effectiveness of road. The procurement procedure is a critical step in making sure the project is implemented properly overall. The project management team decides how much it will cost to complete the project and how profitable it will be. To make it easier to determine links between success factor variables and builders' performance, this study used descriptive research approach. Data for this project was collected through interviews and semi-structured questionnaires, utilizing a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches. A total of 170 individuals were selected to participate in the study, including two representatives from each ward, county engineers, and ward representatives. However, the sample size for the study was narrowed down to 90 participants. Content analysis was employed to analyze the qualitative data obtained from the study. The findings indicated a correlation between the procurement process, project planning, stakeholders' participation, and contractor capacity. The research recommended the involvement of stakeholders in road construction projects to enhance performance. Additionally, it emphasized the importance of well-defined procurement processes, proper project planning, and contractor capacity as key priorities in road construction projects.
Key Words: Procurement Process, Project Planning, Stakeholders' Participation, Contractor Capacity
CITATION: Munyao, J. M., & Ngugi, L. (2023). Critical success factors and performance of road construction projects in Machakos County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (4), 1208 – 1225.
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