Management information systems have attracted much academic and non-academic research in the last few decades due to their role and importance in education, employee productivity, institutional performance, and enhancing sustainable competitive advantage. However, technology alone cannot be a strategy in itself and it is only by integrating it into an overall strategy that it will become a powerful source of competitive advantage. The purpose of the study was to establish the effect of MIS on achievement of sustainable competitive advantage in the Kenyan banking sector. The specific objectives of the study were to establish the effect of knowledge sharing, operational efficiency, customer relationship management and market intelligence on achievement of sustainable competitive advantage in the Kenyan banking sector. Descriptive case study design was applied in this study. The population targeted in this study was all the management level employees at KCB Kencom House Moi Avenue. Stratified sampling was employed. Questionnaire method was utilized to collect data in this study. Data analysis was through descriptive statistics and regression. The results of the descriptive and inferential analysis were presented using tables. The study established that MIS enabled knowledge sharing, operational efficiency, customer relationship management and market intelligence significantly affect achievement of competitive advantage by KCB. The study recommends that organizations should enhance knowledge sharing environment by creating policies and processes that make it efficient and easy to share knowledge through the ICT systems in place. Further, the study recommends to management to use MIS to eliminate non-value-adding tasks or to make them more efficient. Lastly, organizations should ensure that when MIS is adopted, all facets of the organization (individuals, teams and departments) should be well coordinated to ensure that the MIS is well integrated with all organizational units for it to be useful. Moreover, organizations should continually update both MIS and employee skills in light with the changing environmental and competitive factors.
Keywords: knowledge sharing on achievement, operational efficiency, customer relationship management, competitive advantage, market intelligence.
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