This research investigated the influence of quality planning on the performance of energy projects in Rwanda, with a specific focus on Munyax Eco Ltd. As the demand for sustainable energy solutions continues to rise globally, ensuring the successful implementation of energy projects is crucial. Quality planning plays a pivotal role in determining the overall success and efficiency of such projects. This study encompassed a theoretical framework consisting of Deming's Theory of Quality Management. The survey design used in the study was descriptive. The target population for this study consisted of 96 employees employed at Munyax eco ltd. Census approach was adopted. Both primary and secondary data was used for this study. While main data was gathered through questionnaires, secondary data from pertinent documents acquired from Munyax Eco Ltd was used in the research. Questionnaires, interviews, observation, application of various methodologies, and incentive was given to the respondents; each component result in the creation of a variable. The reliability of the instruments was determined using the Cronbach's coefficient. A test value of 0.700 was considered sufficient, and the instruments deemed dependable. Multiple regression is a component of inferential statistical tests, whereas percentages, frequencies, and counts are part of descriptive statical tests. Thematic analysis was used to examine the qualitative data, which were presented narratively with full citations. The findings reveal several significant relationships between quality management practices and project performance. Notably, quality planning (Beta = 0.363, t = 2.733, p = 0.008). The linear regression model demonstrates a significant positive association between quality planning and project performance, with an R-squared value of 0.804, indicating that approximately 80.4% of the variation in project performance can be attributed to quality planning. The adjusted R-squared value further confirms the model's strength, considering the number of predictors. The ANOVA result reinforced these findings by showing that the regression model, including quality planning as a predictor, significantly explains the variance in project performance. The coefficient results (Table 18) further validate the positive impact of quality planning, with a statistically significant beta coefficient of 0.897. The formulated equation signifies that, on average, a unit increase in quality planning is associated with a 0.897-unit increase in the performance of energy projects. Overall, these results underscore the critical role of quality planning in enhancing the success and efficiency of energy projects in Rwanda, aligning with existing literature emphasizing the importance of quality management practices in project success. In conclusion, the study unequivocally demonstrates that quality planning significantly and positively influences the performance of energy projects in Rwanda, with Munyax Eco Ltd, highlighting the imperative role of meticulous planning in enhancing project outcomes and sustainability. Based on the study's findings, it was recommended that Munyax Eco Ltd in Rwanda enhances its focus on quality planning practices to further optimize the performance and success of its energy projects.
Keywords: Quality planning, energy projects, project performance
CITATION: Tuyishime, A., & Gathiru, M. K. (2023). Influence of quality planning on performance of energy projects in Rwanda. Case of Munyax Eco Ltd. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (1), 37 – 52.
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