The general objective of this study was to determine the role of ICT based tools in project performance evaluation, with reference to the evaluation of Generation Water project implemented by WaterAid Rwanda, in Bugesera and Nyamagabe Districts. The specific objectives were to assess the effectiveness of the mWater survey tool in collecting accurate and reliable data for project performance evaluation, evaluate functionality of the mWater portal in analyzing and visualizing collected data for project performance evaluation and establish the user experience and satisfaction with using mWater for project evaluation. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The participants in the evaluation of the Generation Water Project make up the study's population of interest, which consists of a total of 43 individuals. Census approach was used. For primary data questionnaires were used as the main data collection instruments and were in form of a five Likert scale with close ended questions. Multiple sources were used to collect secondary data; the respondents filled in the answers in the spaces provided to collect information required. Pilot study was done using 5 respondents. Reliability was measured using Cronbach’s Alpha. Validity of the instruments was measured using expert’s opinion. Data was analyzed using qualitative and quantitative methods using SPSS version 21."Data collection" exhibits a positive relationship with project performance evaluation (B = 0.973, p < 0.001), indicating that as data collection efforts increase, project performance evaluation tends to improve. Conversely, "Data analysis" demonstrates a negative association with project performance evaluation (B = -0.462, p = 0.005), suggesting that more extensive data analysis may have a diminishing impact on project performance evaluation. "User experience" exhibits a strong positive relationship (B = 1.341, p < 0.001), indicating that a positive user experience significantly enhances project performance evaluation. Finally, it is recommended that future research should focus on establishing how mWater improve project management while in actual practice, rather than exclusively relying on the self-reports of company-biased project managers.
Keywords: ICT-based tools, Project performance evaluation, WaterAid Rwanda, Bugesera and Nyamagabe Districts, mWater survey tool, Data collection, Data analysis and User experience.
CITATION: Mbarushimana J. P. & Sanja, M. (2024). Role of monitoring tools in project performance evaluation; A case of mwater use in the evaluation of generation water project implemented in Bugesera and Nyamagabe districts. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (1), 255 – 274.
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