All the companies, business units and state owned corporation have in place the plans that drives their operations, the plans differs from one organizations to the other and strategies normally leads to either prosperity or failure of the organization Most government owned corporations in most countries are not doing well including the Postal corporation of Kenya calling for the study to be conducted on how they can be restructured for operational recovery. This study was to shade light on how the grand strategic plan can lead to operational recovery of the organization that are on operational death bed. The data collection tool was questionnaire, the scope of the study was the Postal Corporation of Kenya, the target population was 638 employees with the sample size being 246, the model for analysis was Multiple linear Regression model, tool for analysis was SPSS version 24.0. The study found out that all the variables significantly influence the operational recovery of the Postal corporation of Kenya since the have the P value less than 0.05, and conclude that Being in the digital error, digital transformations should be encouraged by Postal Corporation of Kenya since various technology adoptions will improve their services and services delivery, Company needs to prepare effectively for any financial challenges and if they face negative cash flows, declining sales, or operational inefficiencies, there is a need to employ retrenchment strategies as a part of its corporate-level strategy hence the Postal corporation should check the areas, resource or service that are not viable and retrench where appropriate and Company needs to prepare effectively for any financial challenges and if they face negative cash flows, declining sales, or operational inefficiencies, there is a need to employ retrenchment strategies as a part of its corporate-level strategy hence the Postal corporation should check the areas, resource or service that are not viable and retrench where appropriate. The study further suggested that a study should be conducted on more strategies which include the shift from the postal address to physical address as a strategy for operational recovery and registering the courier services to the postal corporation of Kenya to act as watch dog on what they are doing in ensuring the customers safety hence the researcher suggesting a further study on the shift and diversification of the portfolio for the operational recovery of the State corporations that are in the verge of collapsing.
Key Words: Service Diversification Plan, Operational recovery, Postal Corporation of Kenya
CITATION: Takoy, N. S., & Makau, G. K. (2024). Influence of service diversification plan on operational recovery of postal corporation of Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (1), 398 – 406.
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