This survey ascertained how structure of the board affects financial performances of firms in manufacturing and allied industries listed on NSE. In particular, the study evaluated the influence of board size, gender composition and independence on financial performances of manufacturing companies registered on NSE, Kenya. Agency theory, stakeholder’s theory, institutional theory and dynamic capability theories served as theoretical reviews for the study. To achieve this, an explanatory method of design was used to select a target population sample of all eight (8) manufacturing and related firms listed at NSE Kenya. Census sampling was utilized to sample all eight (8) manufacturing and allied firms listed on NSE. Secondary data was utilized for the study. Diagnostic tests encompassing homoscedasticity, autocorrelation, multicollinearity, stationarity, and specification were applied on the panel data, obtained from firms' audited financial statements and financial reports from 2015-2022, was analyzed using panel multiple regression analysis, correlation analysis, and descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, and frequency). 0.05 significance level was applied as threshold for hypothesis testing. Outcomes unveiled in the study showed a significant positive effect of board independence on financial performance; board size yielded an insignificant negative effect on financial performance; board gender diversity uncovered an insignificant positive effect on financial performance; while a insignificant moderating effect of firm size on the relationship between board structure and financial performance within Kenyan manufacturing and allied firms listed on the NSE was revealed. The study recommended that the board independence should be strengthened to enhance the financial performance of the firms as this would allow for greater independence in decision of the board as it pertains to the financial performance of the studied firms in Kenya.
Key Words: Board Independence, Board Size, Board Gender Diversity
CITATION: Githiomi, P., & Koori, J. (2024). Board structure and profitability of manufacturing and allied firms listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (1), 744 – 765.
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