The primary aim of this study was to determine the effect of problem-solving skills on performance of projects in Rwanda, with a particular emphasis on daring to shift project carried out by Dot Opportunity Trust Rwanda. The importance of soft skills, which include interpersonal, communication, leadership, and problem-solving capabilities, is being more acknowledged as essential elements for achieving success in projects. The Human Capital Theory, was the core theories that were incorporated into the theoretical framework used for this study. The research employed a descriptive survey design. The study focused on a target demographic of 134 respondents who are involved in project management at Digital Opportunity Trust Rwanda. A total of 101 participants was selected from a target group using Yamane’s formula. The study employed stratified sampling technique. The research employed a combination of primary and secondary data sources, with the utilization of questionnaires as the primary method for data gathering. Secondary data was collected using published reports by Non-governmental Organization. The reliability of the study instrument was assessed using Cronbach's alpha test. The data that was obtained was subjected to analysis using SPSS version 21. The data analysis procedure involved the use of statistical calculations to ascertain proportions expressed as percentages and measures of central tendency like averages. It also entails using regression analysis and correlation to look at the links between the variables. Karl Pearson's coefficient of correlation and descriptive statistics was used to evaluate the data in order to ascertain the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Thematic analysis was employed to analyze the qualitative data, and the results were presented as a narrative with verbatim citations. The constant (B = 5.179, p < .001) indicates the expected project performance when all soft skills are zero. Problem-solving skills (B = -0.374, p < .001, Beta = -0.332) negatively affect performance, highlighting the complexity of problem-solving in project environments. In conclusion, this study aimed to scrutinize the effect of soft skills on project performance within the Rwandan context, with a targeted emphasis on the Daring to Shift project executed by DOT Rwanda. The findings underscore the pivotal role of effective soft skills in shaping successful project outcomes, providing valuable insights for project management practices in Rwanda and potentially informing strategies for enhancing project performance globally. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that project managers and organizational leaders in Rwanda prioritize the cultivation of teamwork, conflict resolution, and adaptive skills among their teams to enhance overall project performance. Additionally, incorporating targeted training programs to foster trust and mutual respect within project teams, as evidenced by the positive outcomes observed in the Daring to Shift project implemented by DOT Rwanda, could further optimize the effect of soft skills on successful project completion.
Keywords: Problem-Solving Skills, Project Performance, DOT Rwanda
CITATION: Umutesi, A., Iradukunda, N., & Nyabera, O. (2024). Effect of problem-solving skills on performance of projects in Rwanda. A case of daring to shift projects in digital opportunity trust Rwanda. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (1), 716 – 730. http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v11i1.2882
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v11i1.2882
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