This study seeks to explore the relationship between banking services and performance of Women Owned Enterprises in Nairobi City. Specific objectives include; relationship of agency banking, bank financial services, bank non-financial services and bank assurance services on performance of Women Owned Enterprise in Nairobi City County. This study was anchored on institutional theory, financial inclusion theory, and capital structure theory as its theoretical framework. Descriptive research design will be applicable in the study with stratified random sampling technique adopted for selection of samples from each stratum based on the location. The study target population was registered Women Enterprises within the Nairobi central business district, Muthurwa Market, Kamukunji Market and Kariokor Market. Sampling frame consisted of 5339 registered Women Owned Enterprises found in the four selected regions of Nairobi City County out of which 262 sampled respondents were drawn. Data collection was done through interviews and structured questionnaires that will be administered by the researcher. Data analysis was done through descriptive and inferential statistics, descriptive statistics included mean, standard deviation, frequency and percentages while inferential statistics included multiple regression and correlation analysis. Data was presented inform of statistical table, charts and graphs accompanied with relevant discussions. The findings of the investigation revealed that agency banking insignificantly positively affected women owned enterprise; bank financial services significantly in a way that positively affected women owned enterprise; bank non-financial services inversely affected women owned enterprise insignificantly; while bank assurance insignificantly affected women owned enterprise in a way that is negative. The study recommend that the management of women owned enterprise should device a means in which more people can be included in the affairs of the business to increase savings and credit operations of the business in Nairobi City County, Kenya.
Key words: Agency Banking, Bank Financial Services, Bank Non-Financial Services, Bank Assurance services
CITATION: Odek, J. W., & Mwenda, N. (2024). Banking services and performance of women owned enterprises in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (1), 846 – 876.
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