The national cereals and produce board, as a commercial government entity, suffers from insufficient funds that hinders its capacity to hire, retain, reward and compensate its employees. This has led to demotivation and overworking of employees resulting in poor employee performance. Therefore, to improve employee performance, the paper focused on rewards and benefits and the training and development practices. The paper is grounded on goal setting theory and equity and human capital theories and applied descriptive research design. The targeted population included 198 employees working at NCPB headquarters in Nairobi and 130 formed the sample size after using Kothari formula. Primary data was collected using semi-structured questionnaires of which 98 were filled and returned making a response rate of 75.4%. The descriptive analysis found an aggregate mean score of 3.8 as agreement of the respondents on use of rewards and benefits and mean of 3.79 as confirmation that training and development also contributed to high employee performance. The correlation analysis results showed r values of 0.728 for high positive and significant effect between rewards and benefits and training and development for improved employee performance. The regression analysis results showed that 71.2% change in performance outcomes of NCPB’s employees was influenced by rewards and benefits and training and development. Thus, drawn conclusions showed that performance of employees of the NCPB was influenced by rewards and benefits including annual bonus pay, salary increment, job promotions and praise and recognition and also training and development with aspects of inductions, mentorships, coaching, seminars and workshop trainings. The study recommended the need for fair distribution of rewards and benefits and budget allocation for training programs to serve as a motivational factor to increase individual and overall performance outcomes in organizations.
Keywords: Rewards and benefits, Training and development, Employee performance
CITATION: Ngea, P., & Makhamara, F. (2024). Improving employee performance at national cereals and produce board through rewards, benefits and training & development. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (1), 52 – 66.
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