In light of the rising global importance of sustainable procurement implementation for contributing to sustainable development goals, the purpose of this study was to examine the influence of sustainable procurement practices on cost performance of road construction projects in Kenya. The study employed the positivist research philosophy and the quantitative non-experimental research methodology. The study utilized the correlational research design to test noncausal relationship between the study variables without the researcher controlling any of them. The target population consisted of 47 regional directors, 47 supply chain officers and 94 prequalified contractors in charge of road construction projects under the Kenya Rural Roads Authority in Kenya. The proportionate stratified random sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 32 regional directors, 32 supply chain officers and 64 prequalified contractors in charge of road construction projects in Kenya. A self-administered structured survey questionnaire was used to collect primary data. A pilot study was conducted to test the validity and reliability of the constructed survey questionnaire. With the help of the 3 research assistants, the researcher hand delivered the survey questionnaire to the random sample using the drop and pick method. A cross-sectional survey-based approach was used. The collected data was coded, edited, and entered into the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26 to create a data sheet that was used for statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. The Pearson’s product moment correlation analysis was performed to confirm or deny the relationship between the study variables. The correlation results indicated that green purchasing and sustainable supplier management practices had positive and significant relationship with cost performance of road construction projects in Kenya. The multiple regression results indicated that green purchasing and sustainable supplier management practices had positive and significant influence on cost performance of road construction projects in Kenya. The study recommends that sustainable procurement should be integrated as part of construction project procurement process to foster performance of road construction projects. Future researchers should examine the moderating influence of project complexity on the relationship between sustainable procurement practices and performance of construction projects in other regions or sectors.
Key words: Cost performance, Green Purchasing, Sustainable supplier management, Sustainable procurement practices, Kenya
CITATION: Machira, A. M., Ajwang’, P., & Kabubo, C. (2024). Sustainable procurement practices and cost performance of rural road construction projects in Kenya.. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (2), 1236 – 1256.
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