The study’s general objective was to establish the connection between the differentiation strategy and loyalty of customers in Invesco assurance Co. Ltd in Nairobi. The study utilized the descriptive research design. The target population was 500 Matatu owners and operators who are clients of the Invesco Assurance within Nairobi City County plying Thika Road, Eastlands and Rongai routes. Proportionate stratified sampling technique was employed. The sample size was 150 customers drawn from the target population. Semi-structured questionnaire was administered to improve the response rate. Quantitative data was analyzed for both descriptive and inferential. The analysis was done using a multiple regression analysis and from the results a unit increase in the use of product differentiation strategies holding other variables constant leads to an improvement in customer loyalty by .887 times. The customer loyalty was improved significantly based on the p value of .000. From the regression results, a unit improvement in the application of the image differentiation strategies holding other variables constant leads to an improvement in customer loyalty by .705 times. The improvement in customer loyalty was significant since the p value was .000. From the outcomes in regression analysis, a unit improvement in the application of the brand differentiation strategies holding other variables constant leads to an improvement in customer loyalty by .279 times. Given that the p value was .013 the improvement in customer loyalty was significant. The study recommended that the company should continue enhancing its product research and develop new products, new packaging of services and improve on products functionalities to remain competitive. To further enhance customer loyalty, the company should focus more on promoting its image through the use of social media platforms to complement its marketing through the mainstream media. The study finally recommended that the company should enhance brand name selection of its products to further make them more appealing to the customers. Further studies need to be done on the effect of differentiation strategies on customer loyalty among all the insurance companies to get a conclusive position on how differentiation strategies can enhance business performance.
Key Words: Product0differentiation, Assurance Companies, Image Differentiation, Brand Differentiation
CITATION: Emmanuel, D. N., & Murigi, E. (2024). Differentiation strategies and customer loyalty in Invesco assurance company limited Kenya, Nairobi. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (2), 1202 – 1217. http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v11i2.2988
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v11i2.2988
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