Work-life balance is the working arrangements that ensure an employee balances personal and work responsibility. Poor Work-Life Balance is a significant risk that poses risks to the well-being of the employees, their performance, and organizational performance. The study sought to determine the effect of work-life balance practices on employee performance with a focus on employees working at the National Hospital Insurance Fund headquarters in Kenya. The objectives of the research study were to; establish the effect of leave policy on employee performance with a focus on employees in National Hospital Insurance Fund headquarters in Kenya; determine the effect of flexible working arrangements on employee performance with a focus on employees in National Hospital Insurance Fund headquarters in Kenya; establish the effect of employee welfare policies on employee performance with focus on employees in National Hospital Insurance Fund headquarters in Kenya. The research findings shall be helpful to policymakers and in the management of employees of the National Hospital Insurance Fund headquarters. The study adopted a descriptive quantitative research design. The targeted population of the study consisted of employees working at NHIF headquarters, who were 205 employees. The target population was be drawn from Operations, Human Resource, Financial Services, Strategy, Planning & Marketing, ICT, and Beneficiary & Provider Management departments. The researcher adopted the stratified sampling technique to get a representative sample for the research. The sample size was 133 respondents. The researcher used primary data collected using structured questionnaires. Quantitative data was analyzed through IBM SPSS Statistics Version 28. Quantitative data was presented using statistical techniques such as pie charts, frequency tables, and bar graphs. The study investigated the effects of leave policies, flexible work arrangements, and welfare policies on employee performance at NHIF headquarters. The findings revealed significant positive relationships between these policies and employee performance. Effective leave policies allow employees to manage job-related stress and improve productivity, while flexible work arrangements, including remote work and flexible hours, boost morale and retention. Additionally, welfare policies addressing well-being, such as wellness programs and childcare assistance, enhance employee performance. Organizations with these policies tend to see improved performance, highlighting the importance of implementing comprehensive policies to support employees' work-life balance and well-being, ultimately leading to better performance within organizations.
Key Words: Work Life Balance, Leave Policy, Flexible Work Arrangements, Employee Welfare, Employee Performance
CITATION: Saipi, J. L., Kirima, L., & Kibati, I. (2024). Work life balance practices and employee performance in public corporations in Kenya: A case of National Hospital Insurance Fund. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (2), 1437 – 1458.
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