This research ascertained the impact of change management strategies on the performance of telecommunication firms in Nairobi City County, Kenya, taking into account the current situation. This research utilized a descriptive research design. The study population consisted of all the managers drawn from the four telecommunication firms in Nairobi City County. The data gathering process utilized both primary and secondary data collection methodologies. Questionnaires were utilized to collect primary data. The data was analyzed utilizing both descriptive and inferential statistics, utilizing the SPSS version 24. The descriptive analysis entailed calculating the frequencies and percentages of the demographic data of the respondents. Furthermore, means and standard deviations were utilized for all variables. The study investigated the impact of strategic leadership, strategic alliance, strategic marketing, and technology adoption on the performance of telecommunication businesses in Nairobi city county, Kenya. The results showed a considerable beneficial influence of these factors on company performance. Strategic leadership helps in setting a clear direction and vision for the organization and facilitates effective decision-making. Strategic alliances, when effectively utilized as a change management strategy, can significantly enhance an organization's performance by enabling organizations to access new markets and customers, facilitating knowledge sharing and learning and helping organizations reduce costs and risks. Strategic marketing as a change management strategy can help improve an organization's performance in helping in aligning the organization's marketing efforts with its overall strategic goals and objectives, ensuring that all marketing activities are working towards the same end result. Technology allows for more efficient and effective communication within an organization. The research recommends that the firm should focus on creating a culture of innovation and continuous improvement. The organization should focus on building strong relationships with partners and stakeholders so as to create a collaborative environment that fosters innovation and creativity. Organization should utilize marketing principles and techniques to drive positive change within an organization. One of the most effective ways to enhance technology adoption is through training and education programs.
Key Words: Strategic Leadership, Strategic Alliance, Strategic Marketing, Technology Adoption
CITATION: Omukoko, M. L., & Njuguna, R. K. (2024). Change management practices and performance of telecommunication companies in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (2), 1514 – 1534.
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