The global perspective of strategic leadership involves being open to a sense of the highly dynamic business ecosystem including how ideas are passed or implemented, how issues arise, new solutions to already existing challenges well as emerging challenges, and many other aspects. Strategic leadership plays a critical role in the organizational performance of non-governmental organizations especially in developing countries; therefore, it needs more investigation. The general objective of this study was to establish the effect of strategic leadership practices on the organizational performance of Nongovernmental Organizations in Kisii County. The specific objective was to examine the effects of staffing strategies on the organizational performance of nongovernmental organizations in Kisii County. The study was guided by strategic leadership theory, person-environment fit theory and the balanced scorecard (BSC) theory. The research design selected for this study was descriptive and cross-sectional survey models. The target population for this study was drawn from the 21 non-governmental organizations located in Kisii County and consisted of 58 top management, 64 Middle Management, and 88 operational staff totalling to 210. The sampling frame for the study was drawn from the non-governmental organizations registered in the non-governmental organizations Board. The study used stratified sampling to obtain the sample size. The consistency and legitimacy of the study was further assessed using Cronbach’s alpha. Data analysis was undertaken by use of the software Statistical Package for Social Science version 28. Data presentation was done using frequency counts, percentages, means, standard deviations and the information was presented in form of tables. Based on the findings, regression and Pearson’s correlation results indicated that there is a positive and significant relationship between staffing strategies and organizational performance. The study recommended that organizations should align workforce planning closely with organizational goals, focusing on retaining talent. Also, organizations should invest in targeted capacity-building programs designed to develop relevant skills and competencies in employees.
Key Words: Staffing Strategies, Strategic Leadership, Workforce Planning
CITATION: Oganga, N., Mbithi, M., & Kituku, G. (2024). Strategic leadership practice and organizational performance of non-governmental organizations in Kisii County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (2), 1592 – 1615.
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