The Health Sector in Kenya is ranked as one of the major basic needs and as one of the pillars of vision 2030 as well as the constitution, high priority is placed on the provision of health services and service delivery. County governments have been given mandate by devolution to come up with models and designs which suits unique structures in their health sector. The main objective of the study was to investigate the influence of strategic recruitment and selection on employee performance in the health sector in Kenya. The study used descriptive research survey and adopted cross-sectional survey research design. The study targeted all permanent employees of ranks of senior management, middle management, lower management and general staff in the health sector (hospitals). A target population of 1428 from which a sample of 146 was taken was used. A simple random sampling was used in selecting the public hospitals for the study. A pilot study was conducted for the data collection instrument which was pretested before data collection for validity and reliability. Both primary and secondary data methods were used. Data was collected using questionnaires and interview schedules. Data was analyzed using The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22 and presented in tables and pie-charts. Findings for the study indicated that strategic recruitment and selection influenced employee performance in the health sector in Kenya. From the study findings, the researcher recommends the use, implementation and sensitization of strategic recruitment and selection contingent to the health sector that will steer up employee performance. The researcher suggested a study to be carried out in both public and private hospitals to generalise the influence of employee performance. And also that evaluation of external factors that influence employee performance in the health sector be carried out.
Key Words: Strategic Recruitment and Selection, Employee Performance, Health Sector in Kenya
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