The research was aimed at examining selected HRM practices and performance of employees at the Department of National Registration Bureau. Specific objectives encompassed investigating the effect of recruitment practices, training, compensation lastly, job recognition practices towards performance in Department of National Registration Bureau. This research was grounded in the theoretical frameworks of resource-based view theory, social exchange theory, human capital theory, equity theory and expectancy theory of motivation. The research utilized a descriptive research design. The population of the study consisted of the 406 employees at Department of National Registration Bureau. The individuals comprising the senior, middle, and junior management teams at the Nairobi Office are encompassed within the aforementioned. The sampling technique employed involved the use of a stratified random sampling technique. The sample size consisted of a total of 81 staff. The chosen approach for data collection involved questionnaires. The attainment of content validity for the research instrument was achieved by the implementation of a pilot study. The data underwent a descriptive statistical analysis using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) to ascertain measures of central tendency and dispersion. to the findings of the study, there was a significant and positive correlation between recruiting practices and employee performance, compensation practices offered to employees and their performance and job recognition and employee performance at the Department of Kenya National Registration Bureau. The study recommends that the management should ensure that they put in place strategies of attracting best candidates with best skills and ensure that same candidates are subjected to proper screening to that the management may confirms the stated skills are actually possessed by the candidate. Management should consider training their staff in skills that are deficient within the organization in order to achieve high goal levels.
Key words: Recruitment Practices, Employee Training, Compensation, Job Recognition, Employee Performance
CITATION: Gisiora, M. N., & Kimencu, L. (2024). Selected human resource management practices and employee performance in the Department of National Registration Bureau Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (3), 118 – 137.
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