This study examines the challenges in tax collection faced by the Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA) and their impact on economic growth from 2018 to 2020. Key issues include tax avoidance, evasion, administrative inefficiencies, and a cultural tendency among taxpayers to evade taxes. These challenges have led to reduced national revenues, undermining public service funding and exacerbating economic inequality. The Rwandan government has made efforts to address these problems by investing in human resources, infrastructure, and service delivery. Despite these efforts, persistent tax evasion and avoidance continue to impede economic progress. Using both qualitative and quantitative data, this research identifies the primary hurdles to effective tax collection and their consequences on economic growth. Additionally, it proposes strategies for enhancing revenue collection, such as strengthening enforcement mechanisms, improving administrative efficiency, and enhancing taxpayer education. The regression analysis revealed significant predictors of tax economic growth in Rwanda. The constant term was 0.685 (p = 0.003), indicating a baseline level of economic growth when all predictors are zero. Tax compliance had a positive effect on economic growth (B = 0.113, p = 0.036), with a standardized coefficient (Beta) of 0.105, suggesting that improved tax compliance is associated with increased economic growth. Tax administration was also a significant predictor (B = 0.395, p < 0.001), with a Beta of 0.358, highlighting the importance of effective tax administration in promoting economic growth. Lastly, tax structure showed the strongest impact (B = 0.433, p < 0.001), with a Beta of 0.477, indicating that a well-structured tax system significantly contributes to economic growth. These findings underscore the critical role of robust tax policies and administration in enhancing Rwanda's economic growth. The study demonstrates that tax compliance, administration, and structure are significant predictors of economic growth in Rwanda, with effective tax policies and administration playing crucial roles. Improving these aspects can substantially enhance the country's revenue generation and support sustainable economic development. To enhance economic growth, the Rwanda Revenue Authority should prioritize improving tax compliance through targeted taxpayer education and enforcement measures. Additionally, streamlining tax administration and refining the tax structure can further bolster revenue collection and support sustainable development. Future studies should explore the impact of specific tax policy reforms on compliance rates and economic growth to provide targeted recommendations for enhancing tax effectiveness. Additionally, examining the role of taxpayer education programs and their influence on reducing evasion could offer valuable insights into improving tax administration and overall economic development.
Keywords: Tax Compliance, Tax Administration, Tax Structure, Economic Growth, Revenue Collection, Rwanda Revenue Authority
CITATION: Gatera, P., & Niyibizi, F. X. (2024). The assessment of tax collection challenges on economic growth in Rwanda. A case of Rwanda Revenue Authority (2018-2020). The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (3), 232 – 248.
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