This study examined the relationship between supervisor-subordinate relationship and employee ethicality in foods and beverages manufacturing companies in Rivers State. The study examined eight (8) foods and beverages manufacturing companies, and a population and sample size of two hundred (200) was obtained through purposive sampling technique. Four research objectives guided this study and the corresponding four hypotheses were formulated. The Kendall tau-b correlation was employed as the analytical tool in testing the formulated hypotheses. The study revealed that supervisor-subordinate relationship correlates significantly and positively to employee integrity, ethical decision-making, moral courage and adherence to organizational values. Following these findings, the study concluded that supervisor-subordinate relationship positively and significantly correlates employee ethicality as demonstrated in the understudied foods and beverages manufacturing companies in Rivers State. Based on the findings and the reached conclusion, the study recommended that, foods and beverages manufacturing companies in Rivers State should display effective communication through openness, trust building and set clear business goals as these will enhance employees’ integrity.
Keywords: Adherence to Organizational Values, Employee Ethicality, Ethical Decision-Making, Integrity, Moral Courage, Supervisor-Subordinate Relationship.
CITATION: Uranta, R. S., & Chigbu, I. E. (2024). Supervisor-subordinate relationship and employee ethicality in foods and beverages manufacturing companies in Rivers State, Nigeria. The strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (3), 632 – 657. Http://dx.doi.Org/10.61426/Sjbcm.v11i3.3048
Full Text:
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