
This study explored on the relationship between e-Tendering practices and performance of Kisumu County Government, Kenya. This study was anchored on different theories; Technological Acceptance Theory, Resource Based Theory and Diffusion Theory. The objective was; Electronic Tendering on performance of the County Government of Kisumu, Kenya. The study employed descriptive research design. The target population of the study was 120 respondents. This was census survey meaning purposive sampling techniques was used. Research instruments were both open and closed ended questionnaire. Data was analyzed with the help of statistical package for social science version 28 and the same to be presented in a form of tables and figures. The study results noted that e-tendering had a positive correlation with performance of Kisumu County. The study concluded that a unit increase in electronic tendering could results to an increase in performance of the county Government of Kisumu; Kenya. The study recommends that County Governments should ensure that all modules from purchasing Requisition, Quotation/tenders, request for proposals, purchasing order approvals and Transmission, contract monitoring, Goods receipt note are embraced. This study recommends that County Governments should embrace supplier management systems which will help them track their entire suppliers and ensure continuous supply of good to user departments. Further, County Governments should adopt E-Tendering as it increases access to many suppliers and reduce time taken to award a contract. The study recommended that in order to achieve maximum benefits of reduced order processing time, reduced costs, reduced human errors and improved delivery, management should enhance electronic system and insist on all orders being processed electronically.

Key Words: E-Tendering, E-Procurement, Performance

CITATION: Omiti, E. M., & Juma, D. (2024). E-tendering and performance of the county government of Kisumu, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (4), 359 – 370. http://dx.doi.Org/10.61426/Sjbcm.v11i4.3088

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v11i4.3088


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