This research project investigated the impact of employee transfer policies on employee performance within the Kenya Teachers Service Commission (TSC) in Kisii County, Kenya. The study employed was anchored on theories namely; Human Capital Theory, Resource Based view theory, Goal Setting Theory and Expectance theory. The objective of the study was to examine the effect of replacement practices on employee performance in Teacher’s service commission in Kisii County. Target population comprised of teacher’s service commission in Kisii County. Stratified sampling was employed by the study. Data collection was done by use of an instrument called the questionnaire. Pilot study was done in Migori Teacher’s Commission.The study noted that the association between replacement policyand employee performance is positive and significant. This implies that for every unit increase in replacement policy, there is a positive increase in employee performance. According to the findings of the study, firms should consider implementing a replacement transfer policy since it encourages workers to perform more successfully in order to develop their careers. When seen from the standpoint of an organization, replacement transfer is utilized as a means of providing individuals with an incentive to fully utilize their potential. The practice of replacement transfer is utilized by organizations in order to improve the performance of their employees and to encourage a greater level of devotion to their work. The training of individuals who possess a wide range of abilities, the promotion of an effective and rational synergy between skills and motivation, and the provision of realistic chances for employees to enjoy a higher level of job satisfaction were all factors that contributed to the enhancement of organizational performance. Ultimately, this has the potential to improve their performance. According to the findings of the study, corrective transfer should be implemented by government institutions because it has been connected to enhanced employee outcomes. These outcomes include increased loyalty to the organization, motivation, work satisfaction, productivity, and morale.
Key Words: Replacement practices, Transfer Practices, Performance
CITATION: Madundu, A. M. M., & Juma, D. (2024). Replacement practices and employee performance in Teachers Service Commission in Kisii County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (4), 397 – 409. http://dx.doi.Org/10.61426/Sjbcm.v11i4.3091
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