This study evaluated the effect of electronic record management practices and performance of dairy farming in Trans Nzoia East Sub County, Kenya. It was based on the following objectives: effect of adoption of electronic record management systems, training on electronic record management, farmer data integration in farm management and farmer data driven decision making on dairy farmers’ performance in Trans Nzoia East sub-county East Sub County. The study was based on the Information Systems Theory, Technology Acceptance Model, Socio-Technical Systems Theory and Diffusion of Innovations Theory. Since this study targeted to collect data which is quantitative in nature, it adopted a survey design. The sample size was determined by Yamane (1967) hence, 372 respondents. Primary data was collected through a questionnaire. A pilot study to help determine validity and reliability of the study was carried out in the neighbouring Trans Nzoia County. Construct validity with factor index >0.5 was used to determine validity of the tool while the Cronbach Alpha coefficient reading of above 0.72 was used to determine the reliability of the tool. Before data collection, an authority letter was sought from the Graduate school to allow data collection. The collected data was sorted and coded, then entered into Statistical Package for Social Sciences to help in data processing. Data was analyzed descriptively in ERMS of frequencies, means and standard deviations then presented in ERMS of tables or figures where applicable. The study concluded that there was a significant positive relationship between adoption of electronic record management systems, training on electronic record management, farmer data integration in farm management and farmer data driven decision making and dairy farmers’ performance in Trans East sub-county East Sub County. The study recommends that the staff at Dairy Farmers in Trans Nzoia East Subcounty need to take an active role in development of E-systems records, do proper data retrieval, ensure regular strategic evaluation, enhance and upgrade dispute resolution mechanisms.
Key Words: Electronic Record Systems, Training, Data Integration Management, Data Retrieval Efficiency
CITATION: Tembelio, D. K., & Miroga, J. (2024). Electronic record management practices and performance of dairy farming in Trans Nzoia East Sub County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (4), 511 – 529. http://dx.doi.Org/10.61426/Sjbcm.v11i4.3102
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v11i4.3102
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