The main purpose of this study was to examine the influence of human resource management practices on employee productivity in Busia County, Kenya. The study aimed to examine the influence of training practices, recruitment practices, human resource information system and employee work-life balance on employee productivity. This study was anchored on goal setting theory, human capital theory, diffusion of innovation theory, compensation and organization theories. The study adopted descriptive design and targets 137 senior county employees from Busia County, Kenya. The study adopted a census approach as the sampling design and used a structured Likert scale questionnaire to gather data from the respondents. A pilot study was conducted before the main study to determine the reliability and validity of the research instrument. Data collected from the field was analyzed descriptively using statistical packages for social sciences software version 28. Inferential statistics were used to establish the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable of the study. The research used multiple linear regressions model to establish the extent of relationship between the variables. Results showed that training practices, recruitment practices, human resource information systems and work life balance all were positively and significantly correlated to employee productivity in Busia County, Kenya. The regression results showed that training practices influenced employee productivity by 0.211, while recruitment practices influenced employee productivity by 0.410, while human resource information system influenced employee productivity by 0.204 and that work life balance influenced employee productivity by 0.356. The study therefore recommended for policy formulation and enactment of elaborate measures to enhance employee productivity at the county governments in Kenya. The study also made suggestions for further studies to be done on the influence of employee motivation on employee productivity in devolved governments in Kenya.
Key Words: Flexible work schedules, Employee health, wellness, Employee assistance programs
CITATION: Makhulo, I. O., & Mboya, M. (2024). Human resource management practices and employee productivity in Busia County Government, Kenya . The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (4), 833 – 844. http://dx.doi.Org/10.61426/Sjbcm.v11i4.3121
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