In Kenya, despite access to safe water and improved sanitation being a constitutional right, inadequacy of water and sanitation services remain a major problem confronting many people in the country. The sustainability of WASP is therefore questionable which makes it necessary to interrogate project management process in WASP and it ability to ensure sustainability of the projects. This study therefore interrogated how project management process influences sustainability of WASP focusing on the projects by Athi Water Works Development Agency. This was with the intent of assessing how project planning, resources allocation, stakeholders’ involvement and monitoring and evaluation influence sustainability of WASP in Athi Water Works Development Agency in Nairobi City County. The investigation was based on descriptive survey research design, covering 17 completed WASP within Nairobi City County. The census approach was applied where all the 17 projects were covered. A questionnaire was administered to 39 staffs in AWWDA including the chief executive officer (C.E.O), departmental managers, divisional managers and head officers (in charge of the technical operations in the divisions). Qualitative and quantitative analytical methods were employed to analyze the data, and the results presented in tabulated form, graphs and pie charts and interpreted accordingly. Findings revealed that project planning, stakeholders’ involvement, and monitoring and evaluation have significant positive effect on project sustainability. However, resources allocation was found to have insignificant effect on project sustainability. The study recommends among other measures that AWWDA should keep up the good project planning and it must relook into how resources allocation in the projects is been managed to ensure that the same is done in such a manner that it actually benefits the project and hence the project beneficiaries for improved sustainability.
Key Words: Project Planning, Resources Allocation, Stakeholders’ Involvement, Monitoring and Evaluation
CITATION: Mogesi, W. Z., & Gachengo, L. (2024) Project management process and sustainability of water and sanitation projects by Athi Water Works Development Agency in Nairobi City County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (4), 1247 – 1264.
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