The objective of this study was to examine the strategic alignment and delivery of service of National Police Service officers in Nairobi City County, Kenya. Specifically the study objectives were to assess the effect of structure alignment, cultural alignment, resource alignment and technological alignment on service delivery by NPS officers. The study was guided by Structural Contingency Theory, Resource-Based View theory and the Dynamic Capabilities Theory. A descriptive research design was adopted in the study. A total of 6,945 officers from all ranks and departments within the police force in eleven police sub counties in the formed Nairobi City County made up the target population. Questions were asked in both closed and open formats. For this research, the study collected both quantitative and qualitative information. The mean and standard deviation played a part in characterizing the data, as other statistical methods for expressing and inferring interpretation from quantitative data. Regression analysis was used as inferential statistics. The outcomes of the analysis would provide valuable materials for enhancing resource allocation, change management and cultural adaptation by the National Police Service.The study found a positive significant relationship between structure alignment, cultural alignment, resource alignment, technology and service delivery by NPS. The study concludes that when the organizational structure of the NPS is aligned with its goals and objectives, it leads to better coordination and communication among different departments and units. Aligning culture with service delivery help create a more authentic and immersive experience for visitors. Aligning resources improves efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of services. The NPS in Kenya streamline their processes and automate various tasks by aligning technology with the delivery of services. The study recommends that the NPS should implement a centralized system for resource allocation and coordination. The NPS should focus on the implementation of cultural competency training for staff members to help employees better understand and appreciate the cultural norms, values, and beliefs of the communities they serve.
Keywords: Structure Alignment, Cultural Alignment, Resource Alignment, Technological Alignment, Service Delivery
CITATION: Kamau, N. E. & Kiiru, D. (2024) Strategic alignment and delivery of service of National Police Service officers in Nairobi City County Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (4), 1296 – 1310.
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