It has been argued that financial reporting is a major factor in the information dissemination to the stakeholders of any particular company. Financial reports aid the various stakeholders in making investment decisions. Financial reports are like the eyes through which the external stakeholders are able to see whether management makes good use of the company’s resources to maximize shareholder wealth. Financial reports must therefore be accurate, consistent, comparable and reliable. This will eliminate the possibility of having to restate financial statements after investors have already made investment decisions based on previously already published financial statements. This project looked at the factors influencing the preparation of financial reports in insurance companies in Kenya. The factors included disclosures related to the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), integrity of the data used in financial report preparation, competence of the preparers of the financial reports and the regulatory framework of the environment in which the company is operating. Using descriptive research data was collected from five leading insurance companies in Kenya by market share. These were Britam Insurance Company Kenya Limited, Liberty Life Assurance Kenya Limited, ICEA – Lion Insurance Company Limited, Jubilee Insurance Kenya Limited and Sanlam Kenya Plc (formally Panafrica Life Insurance Company Kenya Limited). The data was then analyzed in order to identify how these factors influence the preparation of financial reports of insurance companies. Findings reveal a positive correlation between the each aspect constituent. The strongest correlation was obtained between Staff Competence and preparation of financial reports (r = .798), and the weaker relationship found between Regulatory Framework and preparation of financial reports (r = .436). IFRS and Data Integrity are also strongly and positively correlated with preparation of financial reports at correlation coefficient of .716 and .708 respectively. All the independent variables were found to have a statistically significant association with the dependent variable at 0.01 level of confidence.
KEY WORDS: Financial Reports, IFRS, Data Integrity, Staff Competence, Regulatory Framework
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v3i4.316
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