This study established the effect of green supply chain practices on Performance of energy and petroleum State Corporations in Kenya. A Case study of Kenya Electricity Generating Company, Mombasa County Branch. The study was guided by the following specific objectives; to determine the effect of sustainable waste management on performance of Energy and Petroleum State Corporations in Kenya, to establish the effect of green manufacturing on performance of Energy and Petroleum State Corporations in Kenya and to determine the effect of green distribution on performance of Energy and Petroleum State Corporations in Kenya. The study was anchored by the following theories; Resource-Based View theory, Transaction Cost Economics Theory, social network theory and institutional Theory. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The target population for this study was 140 staff at Kenya Electricity Generating Company. The firm was chosen due its proximity to the researcher. The sample size was determined using Yamane allocation sample formulae to obtain 104 respondents. The researcher used questionnaires as a tool for data collection. Data analysis involved sorting, coding and transforming data into statistical information for the purpose of analysis and interpretation by use of SPSS version 29. The findings were presented in the form of tables. The key findings reveal that sustainable waste management positively influences organizational performance by 45%, green manufacturing has a significant positive influence of 91%, and green distribution has a moderate negative influence of 26%. The study concludes that prioritizing sustainable waste management and integrating green manufacturing principles can enhance performance, while improvements in green distribution strategies are necessary to mitigate negative impacts. Recommendations include investing in advanced waste management technologies, adopting energy-efficient processes, and reassessing distribution strategies. Future research should include additional variables and a larger sample size to provide a more comprehensive analysis.
Key Words: Sustainable Waste Management, Green Manufacturing, Green Distribution
CITATION: Salim, A., & Mutuku, B. (2025)
Green supply chain practices and performance of Kenya electricity generating company, Mombasa County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 12 (1), 184 – 197.
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