
Globally, strategic leadership is recognized for its major contribution to a strategy implementation timetable that is successful and that is essential in directing and enhancing the context and mode of strategy implementation. The primary goal is to investigate the performance and strategic leadership of Kenya's four-star hotels. The study specifically examines how much organizational performance is influenced by strategic direction in Kenyan four-star hotels. Goal-setting theory served as a guiding principle for this investigation. Questionnaires were used in the collection of data. For this study, a descriptive research design was used. 148 general managers, assistant general managers, and supervisors employed by Kenya's four-star hotels were the study's target group. This study included a census. To obtain the respondents, a census will be used. Standard deviation and mean will be utilized to measure central tendency, and regression and correlation analysis are two examples of inferential statistics that will be employed in the study. Performance (M=2.96, SD=1.08) and strategic direction (M=3.48, SD=1.26) were deemed significant (p < 0.5; r = 0. 891, p = 0.000 < 0. 5. According to the study, to reveal additional empirical data on this crucial topic of strategic direction and how it interacts with other facets of organizational performance, particularly social performance, more literature reviews are required. Researchers are advised to conduct investigations into this relationship.

Key Words: Mission, Objectives, Core Values, Vision, Service Delivery, Completion of Projects, Efficiency, Return on Investment

CITATION: Nyamao, C. K., Munga, J. & Mbebe, J. (2025) Strategic direction and organizational performance of four star hotels in Nairobi County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 12 (1), 237 – 247.

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