The purpose of this paper was to explore factors that influence performance of ICT projects in SMEs in Kenya. Significantly the study sought to establish how management Skills, Information and Communication Technology, Employee motivation and government policies influence performance of ICT Projects in SMEs in Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive survey design, where all the employees of this company were requested to respond. The findings of the study revealed that government policies greatly influence performance of ICT projects in SMEs in Kenya followed by Information and Communication Technology, then employee motivation and finally management skills. The study therefore concluded that management Skills, Information and Communication Technology; Employee motivation and government policies positively influence performance of ICT projects in SMEs in Kenya. This study has added new knowledge to the existing literature, hence filling the gap. The study recommend a similar study to be carried in any sister company and validate the findings with this so as to arrive at a consensus.
Keywords: Management skills, Information Technology, employees’ motivation government policies and performance
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v3i4.322
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