A project is considered to be sustained if it continues to deliver a high level of benefits after the donor ends major financial, managerial, and technical support. Politically instigated projects face challenges of sustainability due to the politician’s occupancy period in the elected position. A big percentage of these projects end up failing and others pick at a slow rate. The study assessed factors that contribute to sustainability of county project. The case study for this research was the Oparanya Care system, a program dubbed Afya Ya Mama Na Mtoto in Kakamega County that was developed with an aim of reducing the high infant and maternal mortality rate and other cases associated to poverty that mostly cause death to women and children during and after child delivery. The research design used was cross-sectional evaluation survey that evaluates a specific case study. The target population for this study included the project implementers and project beneficiaries. Data analysis and presentation of findings was carried out using statistical software’s including SPSS and Microsoft Excel. The quantitative data was presented in form of pie tables. Correlations for the variables were done and results presented in a tables. From the findings, the effect of the economic pillar could be seen from the increase in employment opportunities and also increase in the government revenue due to the cascading effect of the community having more income leading to increase in purchasing power. The program had reduced the maternal mortality rate as well as improved the community health and safety. Nevertheless the project is still on going and the county still has plans to increase the number of facilities. Further analysis disclosed that majority of the stakeholders who influence the project sustainability more were the community. The correlation coefficient (R) between the independent variables and project sustainability showed a positive relationship. Consequently, based on the given data the study concludes that the Economic, Social and Resource pillars have a positive effect on the sustainability of projects.
Key Words: Economic, Social, Resources, Sustainability of Projects in Kenya, Oparanya Mother Care Kakamega County
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v3i4.326
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