Despite efforts being made by the Ministry of Health and its partners to provide the country with health commodities (medicines and medical logistics) to meet the requirements of clients (people who need the healthcare), these commodities are often wrongly managed or inadequate. These therefore leave the clients with no alternatives than to fall on the traditional medicines or travel over long distances in search of health care. The main objective of this research was to establish the determinants of effective inventory management in health project in Kenya. To achieve the objective, study adopted a census survey of the 75 respondents. A pilot study was conducted and questionnaire was used to collect data. Quantitative data gathered was coded and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22 computer software. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the data in frequency distributions and percentages. Multiple Regression analysis and ANOVA aided to analyze the degree of relationship between the variables in the study at 5% level of significance. The analysis showed that supplier management had the strongest positive (Pearson correlation coefficient =.887 and p-value =0.000) influence on effective inventory management health projects. In addition, health financing, monitoring & evaluation and information communication and technology were positively correlated to effective inventory management health projects with Pearson correlation coefficient of .775, .690 and .506 with p-values of 0.010, 0.011, 0.023 and 0.035 respectively. The study established that supplier management was the most significant factor. The findings of this study served as a basis for future studies on effective inventory management in health projects. This study confined itself to the health projects in Homabay County, Kenya. This study recommended an improvement of supplier relationship within the health projects to avoid delays in delivery of inventories. The county of Homabay should also monitor and evaluate the projects being implemented in the county to ensure that they meets their objectives and is sustainable. A comparative study should be carried out to compare whether the findings also apply for other projects in other counties in Kenya in order to validate the findings of this study. Further, there is need to undertake another research to examine the other factors which could be influencing effective inventory management in health projects in Kenya.
Key words: Inventory Management, Health projects, Supplier Management, Health Project Financing, Monitoring and Evaluation, Information Communication and Technology.
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