The current Kenyan government is devolved, which helps bring funds for development down to the people. The purpose of this study was to determine the contribution of youth projects on the development of the counties having Kiambu as the case study. The study had the following objectives; to identify the contribution of agricultural projects on county development, to investigate the contribution of youth education projects on county development and to investigate the contribution of youth tenders projects on county development. The target population of the study was 549, inclusive of officials from both the national and county government and the youth groups in the County. 30% of the whole population which is 164 was selected to represent the whole population. Out of the 170 questionnaires issued, 100 which are 60% were filled and returned. A sample size of 100 respondents was drawn from the sample frame using simple stratified random sampling technique to promote the needs for efficiency and youth representativeness in Kiambu County. The sample was sufficient to lead to the analysis of this study. The relationships proposed in the framework will be tested using statistical tools such as SPSS and excel. Various data collection methods were used and under the qualitative methods do include; Observations and Questionnaires. Conclusions were then drawn from the analysis and the data presented diagrammatically in form of tables, charts and explanations given in texts thereafter. Final results were then presented in form of tables, frequencies, percentages and diagrams for easy understanding and interpretation and conclusions made presented diagrammatically and explained in texts. The empirical literature revealed that there exist a positive relationship between youth projects and development of the County. Second, if it would enhance the development of the counties by the involvement of the youth’s in income generating activities. The study hence helped draw that youth in the County are indulging in projects that are enhancing development. This study was recommended for the implementation of youth project activities in other counties. This is as it would help cater for the youth problems such as jobs and education. Study further recommends other counties to involve their youths in their development projects.
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