The shipping industry is in a way the first global industry. It is the link between nations and continents. The establishment of international co-operation and conventions has a long history in the shipping industry. The shipping companies need to monitor and manage their financial risks in order to improve on their performance. The researcher therefore sought, through the research process, and a solution to the problem on leverage and Inflation Rate in relation to its influence on financial performance of shipping companies in Kenya. This Research aimed and explicitly found out the factors affecting financial performance of shipping companies in Mombasa County, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were determined the influence of Leverage and analyzed the influence of inflation rate on Financial Performance of Shipping Companies in Mombasa County, Kenya. The scope of the study has been within the Mombasa County and the significance was to the management of shipping companies, investors, the government and the finally the researchers. Descriptive research was used. Questionnaires were distributed and filled with various top managers, heads of department, middle level managers and general staff member of shipping companies. The target population and sample size was from 43 (forty three) members of Shipping companies in Mombasa County. Stratified sampling method was used and drawn the sample size of 50 employees and data analysis by use of SPSS.
Key terms: Financial Performance, Shipping Companies in Kenya, Leverage, Inflation Rate
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v3i4.353
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