Recruitment of personnel plays an important role in assisting the organization to adapt and remain competitive. Kenya Revenue Authority employs a wide variety of workers. Thus, the sources of applicants and types of methods used to expand the applicant pool vary depending on the occupational classification being considered. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of organizational factors on retention of generation Y employees in Kenya Revenue Authority. The study examined the effect of career development and remuneration on retention of Generation Y employees in Kenya Revenue Authority. The research used descriptive survey design and stratified sampling technique. The sample size was 285 respondents. The study used primary data collected using pre-determined questionnaires. The analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21. The finding indicated that the generation Y employees were not comfortable with the way the organization offered opportunity for career development. They didn’t think there were proper structures to offer guidance in how they could develop. The employees were not comfortable with the salaries, bonuses, and awards they get as recognition. The organization was not fair in promotion of employees. Generation Y were found to be productive if they were to be offered better packages. The management did not participate in promoting career development programs. There were also unfair practices that derailed the performance of the employees. The organization should formulate a clear career development for generation Y since it was found they there was no program to handle that. Opportunities for further research still existed in this area. This study examined only two factors that influenced retention of generation Y employees: career development and remuneration in one organization. Therefore, there is need for further research on other factors that influence retention of generation Y employees in other organization.
Key Words: Career Development, Remuneration, Generation Y Employees, Kenya Revenue Authority
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v3i4.360
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