The main objective of the study is to establish the effect of quality management practice on the firm performance, a case of animal feeds manufacturers in Kiambu and Nairobi counties. The study sought to establish the objectives of the influence of supplier management and continuous process improvement on the firm performance. The study applied the descriptive research design while a purposive sampling technique was used to gather qualitative and quantitative data from employees of the 55 licensed animals feeds manufacturers in Kiambu and Nairobi counties, with a total sample size will be 110 respondents. Primary data was collected using self-administered questionnaires through a drop and pick method to the procurement and operational managers of each of the animal feeds manufacturing firm. While secondary literature review data for the research was collected by reviewing textbooks, journals, articles. The reliability of the questionnaires was checked using Cronbach Alpha test. The study findings showed that there was a significant positive relationship between supplier management and process improvement with firm performance of animal feed manufactures in Kiambu and Nairobi counties. The study recommended that the management team from the animal feed manufactures should also continuous engage in providing innovative solutions for firms products thus to meet customer demand specifications in the market. The study also recommended that further studies be done on the impacts of effective implementation of quality management practices on firm performance of various animal feed manufacturers in the country thus to depict a reliable result that can be employed in improving the firm by focusing both negative and positive effects.
Key Words: Quality management, Process Improvement, Firm Performance
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v3i4.367
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