The general objective of this study was to investigate the factors influencing business performance in SMES in Murang’a County, a survey of SMES in Murang’a County. The two specific objectives of the study included: To establish the influence of access to finance on business performance among small and medium enterprises in Murang’a County and to examine the influence of entrepreneurial training on business performance among small and medium enterprises in Murang’a County. The study used a descriptive survey research design. The study’s target population was 375 SME’S, from which a sample of 113 respondents was drawn for the study using 30% of the target population. This included SME’S in these sectors, agricultural, carpentry, rabbit farming, poultry business, dairy farming and mechanics. The sample was selected through stratified sampling techniques. The researcher collected data using both structured and unstructured questionnaires and also through use of interview schedules. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistical tools namely frequencies, percentages, mean and standard deviation, while inferential statistical tools such as correlation and regression were used to determine and explain variable relationship; through SPSS version 22 computer program. The study recommends that Entrepreneurs in the SME sector should ensure there is a training policy in the organization. The study recommends that financial institutions should be in a position to give loans and other credit facilities and financial advisory services to SME’S in order to equip them with knowledge on financial management to help them expand their businesses. The financial institutions should assess the entrepreneur’s credit worthiness before issuing loans and they should not assess factors as gender and an individual’s age. The study recommends that future researchers should focus on other variables that may influence SMES business performance and growth such as availability of markets, laws and regulations, infrastructural networks. A similar study could be carried out in other sectors such as women owned SMES and also other SMES in other counties to find out whether the same results shall be obtained.
Key Words: Entrepreneurial Training, Access to Finance, Business Performance, SMEs
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v3i4.382
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