In the past, many firms with little or no corporate identity communications drive and no Corporate Social Responsibility and social advocacy voice now devote enormous resources not only to the pursuit of Corporate Social Responsibility but also towards accounting for their Corporate Social Responsibility stewardship. The general objective of the study was to establish the relationship between corporate social responsibility and corporate identity of Telecommunication sector. Specifically, the study sought to establish how corporate social responsibility on customers effect corporate identity of Telecommunication sector; to establish the effect of economic aspect of corporate social responsibility on corporate identity of Telecommunication sector; to find out effect of legal aspect of corporate social responsibility on corporate identity of Telecommunication sector; to determine effect of philanthropic aspect of corporate social responsibility on corporate identity of Telecommunication sector, to assess the effect of ethical aspect of corporate social responsibility on corporate identity of Telecommunication sector. The benefits of this study relates to SMEs, practitioners, policy-makers, academics, theory on social responsibility of business and identification of future research directions. This study was carried out among the three Telecommunication firms. The study adopted a descriptive research design. This design attempted to describe the situation and problems affecting corporate social responsibility and its association with corporate identity of Telecommunication firms. The total population of the study was 280 employees of the three Telecommunication firms identified. The study adopted the stratified sampling method because it gives every member of the cluster equal chances of being selected. Simple random sampling was used to select 280 employees who participated in the study. To carry out this study a structure questionnaire was developed and pre-tested. It contained both open and close ended questions. For this study, quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS and findings presented using descriptive such as means and standard deviations to establish relationships between Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Identity, Pearson correlation were used. All the independent variables were found to have a statistically significant association with the dependent variable at 0.05 level of confidence. The study thus accepts all the alternative hypotheses stated and concludes that Economic Responsibility has a positive effect on Corporate Identity of Telecommunication sector; Legal Responsibility has a positive effect on Corporate Identity of Telecommunication sector; Philanthropic Responsibility has a positive effect on Corporate Identity of Telecommunication sector; and that Ethical Responsibility has a positive effect on Corporate Identity of Telecommunication sector.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v3i4.383
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