In a rapidly globalizing, knowledge-based economy, sources of value creation in business are shifting from tangible assets such as land and equipment, to intangibles such as intellectual, human and social capital. One of the emerging intangible business assets is the relationships between a firm, its employees and other stakeholders which constitute an important and yet undervalued business asset. The Standards regulatory agencies being vital organizations in their respective countries have more powerful and influential stakeholders thus their management would pose greater challenges. It is for this reason that this study was aimed at determining the challenges of managing stakeholder based influence on service delivery in standards regulatory agencies in Kenya. The general objective of the study was therefore to determine challenges of managing stakeholder based influence on service delivery in Standards regulatory agencies. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the effect of Resource Divisibility on Service Delivery in Standards Regulatory Agencies and to determine the effect of Stakeholder Uniqueness or Saliency on Service Delivery in Standards Regulatory Agencies. The study thus concentrated on the Standards regulatory agencies in Kenya and specifically used Kenya Bureau of Standards as a case study. The data for the study was collected from employees of KEBS ranging from junior management, middle level employees to senior management. The study used a sample of 10% of the target population from whom responses was collected using Likert scale questionnaires. The study found that the Standards Regulatory Agencies were most heavily affected by Stakeholder uniqueness and Resource Divisibility
Key Terms: Regulatory Agency, Stakeholder, Standards Regulatory Agencies, Standards, Service Delivery
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