The success of any organization depends on the capacity of its human resource. Any firm can have the best resources but without an adequate team of human personnel to back them up, the firm will not succeed. Employee engagement is thus, encouraged within any formal organization to bring out the best from each employee within the firm. Engaged employees will always be motivated to bring out their best and work towards ensuring the best productivity for the entire firm. This research was carried out to determine the influence of key performance indicators on employee engagement in multinational companies in Kenya. The research adopted a descriptive research design to investigate the aspects of balanced scorecard and employee engagement as they are. The research utilized random sampling to select the sample for the study. The population size for the study was 3,334 individuals drawn from employees both in management and lower level subordinate staff working for AON Kenya, Airtel, Barclays, DHL, EABL, Jubilee Insurance, Maersk, Safaricom, Standard Chartered and Unilever at their head offices in Nairobi County. The sample size for the study was based on a stratified random sampling, giving a total of 180 respondents from the ten firms. A questionnaire was designed to help in the primary collection of data which was sorted, edited and analyzed using SPSS version 23. The coded data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The research findings showed that performance indicators were also adopted in the majority of the firms. The research recommended that technology should be adopted in performance measurement tools now that the world is changing to digitalization. The study recommends that the government should be involved in supervising and regulating MNC to ensure that fair employee treatment and compensation is achieved. The research also recommends that technology should be adopted in performance measurement tools now that the world is changing to digitalization.
Key Word: Key Performance Indicators, Employee Engagement, Performance Measurement
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