The study sought to find out the influence of employer reputation, employer distinctive culture, employer job attributes and employer image on retention of staff. This study was anchored on Human Capital Theory, Resourced Based Theory and Social Identification Theory. The study further assessed previous literature related to the study variables. This study was conducted in the media industry in Kenya. Specifically data was collected from the top five media firms in Kenya. This study adopted a descriptive survey design. The target population for this study Consisted of the top five media firms in Kenya. The study mainly focused on employees working in broadcasting department since they are the most mobile. The five media houses had a total of 614 employees working in the broadcasting section according to their respective websites. The study used random sampling technique to come up with the study sample. The sample size of this study was 96 employees. Random sampling was used where 96 respondents were sampled from a population of 614 employees. And the questionnaire was administered to the sampled respondents. Descriptive statistics including the mean and standard deviation were used to capture the characteristics of the variables under study. Inferential statistics regression coefficient and bivariate correlation were used to analyze the relationship of the dependent variable and the independent variables. The findings revealed that employer reputation, employer culture and employers job attritutes all had a positive and significant relationship with employee retention. On the other hand employer image had an insignificant relationship with employee retention in the multivariate regression model. The study recommended that media firms and other organizations all over the world should adopt pragmatic strategies to be ahead in race of attraction and retention employees. The study also recommended that workplaces should offer opportunities for growth and also make it easier for employers to attract and retain employee.
Keywords: Employer Reputation, Culture, Job Attritutes, Employee Retention, Employer Image
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