Growth in information and communication technology, especially the entrance of Internet helps the application of alliances used by the organizations to become more effective through the integration of firm’s information technology (IT) infrastructure. Electronic procurement is one of the information systems that helps revolutionize the supply chain activities. The objectives of the study were to identify the effect of staff competency on electronic procurement implementation at the County Government of Kilifi, to determine the influence of technology infrastructure on electronic procurement implementation at the County Government of Kilifi, to establish the effect of government policies on electronic procurement implementation at the County Government of Kilifi and to examine the influence of top management support on electronic procurement implementation at the County Government of Kilifi. The study was guided by Theory of Technology Acceptance, DeLone and McLean theory, New Public Management, and Theory theory of constraints. The study used descriptive design. The Target population in this study was County Government of Kilifi employees. The study utilized stratified sampling technique where the County Government of Kilifi was classified based on level of management. The strata’s were top management, middle management and lower level management. Purposive sampling was then used to pick employees to participate in the study. Slovin’s formular was used to identify the sample size. Questionnaire was used to collect data from the respondents and the data was analysed using descriptive and inferential analysis with the help of SPSS. The study concludes that Technological infrastructure; top management support to electronic procurement, staff competency and government policy had a significant positive relationship with successful implementation of electronic procurement in county offices. Good ICT links between the potential suppliers and the county government will therefore increase the chances of successful implementation of electronic procurement. For County government to successfully implement electronic procurement, it should take into consideration technology infrastructure, staff competency, top management support and government policies in implementing electronic procurement.
Key Terms: Organization performance, ttechnology, staff competency, electronic procurement, procurement policies, management, County Government, internet
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