Donor funded projects aim to promote development by strengthening organizations at the community level. There is, however, a strong realization that in spite of the increased investments, the capacity of districts, constituencies and communities to absorb the resources and sustain local investments in both social and economic infrastructures is weak due to lack of information and capacity to manage investments and their inability to demand accountability in a transparent manner. This is viewed by many as the missing link which CEISP focuses, in order to enhance the effectiveness of local development and poverty reduction. The objective of this study was to investigate the challenges facing implementation of donor funded projects in Kenya. Data was collected by means of questionnaires. The questionnaire was used to gather relevant information from the respondents. Data collected was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Linear regression curves were developed and these were used to reveal correlations between all the independent variables and the dependent variable. Regression was done to reveal the magnitude of the relationships between independent and dependent. From the finding, the study concluded that Implementation of donor funded projects was affected by Project Planning and Project Institutional capacity. From the findings, it was established that USAID had adopted some project practices in the Implementation of donor funded projects which involved performance targets and planning and control systems that generated good result.
Key Words: Project Planning, Project Institutional Capacity, Donor Funded Projects
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