Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) plays a fundamental role in reduction of costs and augmented competence in the supply chain sustainability. The aim of this study was to establish the influence of supplier relationship management on supply chain sustainability among food manufacturing companies in Kenya. A case of Bidco Africa LTD. The study was guided by two specific objectives; To establish how supplier segmentation influences supply chain sustainability in Bidco Africa LTD, in Kenya and to determine the effects of supplier strategy development in supply chain sustainability in Bidco Africa LTD, in Kenya. The research followed a cross-sectional survey design with a target population of employees of Bidco Africa LTD, Nairobi-Kenya. The base sample size used for this study was 246 respondents. The study used structured questionnaires as the main instruments for collecting primary data from the respondents. The study findings revealed that the independent variables (Supplier Segmentation and Supplier Strategy Development) contributed 79.6% to the total variability in the dependent variable (Supply Chain Sustainability). The two independent variables contributed positively and statistically significant values for every unit change in the dependent variable (Supply Chain Sustainability).
Key Words: Supplier Segmentation, Supplier Strategy Development, Supply Chain Sustainability
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