The implementation of procurement plans in public hospitals in Kenya is influenced by varying factors. Research by the Price Water House Cooper found that as much as 37% of the potential value of a procurement plan in public hospital in Kenya is lost during Implementation. Public Hospital procurement accounts for 25% of the annual government procurement expenditure. Many public hospitals in Kenya are able to generate innovative procurement plans, but few are able to successfully implement these plans. Lack of proper implementation in procurement planning culminates into diverse implications in the organization that may deter its progress. Public hospital in Kenya has been facing challenges of procurement plan implementation. This study sought to establish the factors influencing implementation of procurement plans in public hospitals in Kenya, with special focus on Kenyatta National Hospital. The existing literature was criticized to identify the research gaps. The study adopted descriptive research design. The study was a census survey, thus the sample size of the study was all the 138 target respondents. Both secondary and primary data were collected. The study relied on primary data which was collected through semi-structured questionnaires. The research instrument was pre-tested before final administration of questionnaires to the respondents. Descriptive statistic was used to analyses quantitative data and presented using frequency tables and chart. Qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis and presented in prose form. The study found that information technology affected the implementation of procurement plans at Kenyatta National Hospital. The employees were not equipped with the right knowledge on information systems neither did they attended trainings to acquire IT skills. Some hardware was out dated as well. The study further found that procurement expertise affected the implementation of procurement plans at Kenyatta National Hospital. Employees in the hospital had little technical skills on procurement and lack experiences on application of various ICT technologies in procurement as well. The study recommended that there was need for the hardware to be upgraded and the employee adequately trained on the use of the information systems adopted by the organization. There was need for employees in the hospital to be equipped with adequate technical skills on procurement.
Key Words: Procurement Expertise, Information Technology Implementation
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v4i2.442
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