The purpose of the study was to examine the influence of warehouse management on organizational productivity in state corporations in Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were: To examine the effects of stock control on organizational productivity and to establish the effects of distribution planning on organizational productivity. The study applied a descriptive research design. The target populations of the study were the employees of the Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited (KENGEN). Data was collected by taking a census survey on the 117 respondents by the answering of questionnaires both quantitatively and qualitatively with a pilot test first conducted with 11 respondents. It was notable that there existed a strong positive relationship between the independent variables and dependent variable. This implied that the variables were very significant therefore needed to be considered in any effort to boost organizational productivity in state corporations in Kenya. The data findings analyzed also showed that taking all other independent variables at zero, a unit increase in stock control lead increase in organizational productivity in state corporations; a unit increase in distribution planning lead to increase in organizational productivity in state corporations. This inferred that access to stock control contributed most to organizational productivity in state corporations. The most significant factor was stock control. The study recommended for the enhancement stock control and the workforce needed external guidance with regard to stock control. There was need for more time to be taken in the processes within the warehouse. The impact of stock control training as enhanced by the organization should be well established in compliance with the rules and regulations. The study recommended for the proper distribution planning enhancing organizational productivity in the state corporations. The organization should ensure that the participatory planning was adequate. A review of literature indicated that there had been limited amount of research on the organizational productivity in the Kenyan context. Thus, the findings of this study serve as a basis for future studies on role of warehouse management on the organizational productivity in other organizations in Kenya.
Key Words: Stock Control, Distribution Planning, Organizational Productivity
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