This study explored the effect of public procurement framework on disposal of obsolete stock in the public sector in Kenya. It is imperative for organizations through the public procurement framework on the disposal of asset in each public entity. The specific objectives were public policy and competent staff. The study used sampling frame, where the list of the respondents were obtained from the human resource department so as to get all the respondents. Research design in this study was used and when applied properly they enforce each other. Stratified random sampling was used to pick respondents from each stratum. This was from the following seven directorates; procurement, accounts, audit, human resource and administration, ICT, performance management and public affairs respectively from judicial head office. Qualitative and quantitative techniques were employed. Data was collected with help of research instruments; Questionnaire which were structured and semi-structured. Pilot was used to test reliability and validity of the instruments. Statistical package for social science (SPSS) version 22 was used for analysis and data was presented through tables, graphs and pie charts. The study showed that variables used were very significant and they therefore needed to be considered in any effort to boost disposal of obsolete stock in the public sector. Based on the study findings, the study concluded that disposal of obsolete stock in the public sector was affected by public policy followed by staff competency were the major factors that mostly affect disposal of obsolete stock in the public sector in Kenya. The study recommended for the implementation of public policy to enhance effective disposal of obsolete stock in the public sector. There was need to enhance staff training on the workforce as they need guidance with regard to disposal of obsolete stock in the public sector. The organization should be trained on the concept of obsolete stock in the public sector.
Key Words: Public Policy, Competent Staff, Disposal of Obsolete Stock, Public Sector
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v4i2.458
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