Employee performance is a critical element of staff retention and highly associated with intent to leave and actual turnover. Due to lack of performance, the public service in Kenya has been characterized by employees joining the private sector and other employment opportunities. Moreover, services by public organizations have been very poor. The general objective of the study was to determine the influences of empowerment on organizational performance in KWS. The Specific objectives of the study were: To determine the influence of structural empowerment on organizational performance in Kenya wildlife service and to examine the influence of psychological empowerment on organizational performance in Kenya wildlife service. The scope of the study was Kenya Wildlife Service. Target Population of the study consisted of 4,241 permanent employees of Kenya wildlife services. The study employed descriptive survey research approach. This used both qualitative and quantitative methods in the selection of the participants and collection of data. Stratified sampling was employed to select 164 employees of KWS to participate in the study. Data collection instruments included semi-structured questionnaires and document reviews. The collected data was captured in MS Excel and analyzed using SPSS. A total of 148 respondents participated in the data collection hence a response rate of 90%. Overall there was a positive correlation between structural empowerment and organizational. There was also a positive correlation between psychological empowerment and organizational performance. This result showed the importance of Structural and Psychological Empowerment, on enhanced organizational performance.
Key Words: Structural Empowerment, Psychological Empowerment, Employee Performance
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