The concept of knowledge management is not new to the public sector. Knowledge management initiatives have always been integrated in government tasks and cannot be separated from strategy, planning, consultation and implementation. Through public policy in particular, politicians and public service workers use knowledge to shape their domestic environment and try to make a difference. Knowledge management is much necessary at the Anti-Counterfeit Agency to improve service delivery. Kenya is among countries most affected by the continued trade in counterfeits in the region even as industry-wide efforts are made to contain it. China remains the main source of counterfeit goods, and trade in counterfeits results in an annual net loss of $368 million. In Kenya, banned products are mainly imports from China. The aim of this study was to establish the influence of knowledge management on service delivery at the Anti-Counterfeit Agency. The study aimed to fulfill the following two objectives; to assess the influence of knowledge acquisition on service delivery at the Anti-Counterfeit Agency and to establish the influence of knowledge storage on service delivery at the Anti-Counterfeit Agency. This was a descriptive study. The population of study was all employees of Anti-Counterfeit Agency, who were 71 in number. The study used census since the number was small. The questionnaire was used in collecting primary data. Statistical Package for Social Sciences was used in analysing the data. On knowledge acquisition, it was found that the Agency mostly acquired knowledge from the research department (in-house research). On knowledge storage, it was found that the Agency mostly stores information in digital form. On service delivery, it was found that the Agency had generally performed below average in all the measures of service delivery namely; successful prosecution of the individuals/companies suspected of counterfeiting, customer satisfaction and the reduction of number of counterfeiting incidences. It was also found that knowledge acquisition had the greatest influence on the service delivery at the Anti-Counterfeit Agency.
Key Words: Knowledge Acquisition, Knowledge Storage, Service Delivery
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